Rolf featured in Esperanza Magazine

Effective Communication Tips for a More Intimate Relationship
Rolf is featured in the Winter 2015 edition of Esperanza, the award-winning magazine dedicated to increasing awareness of depression and anxiety. In the article, Lesson Plan – If Depression Returns, Let it be Your Teacher Instead of your Adversary, Rolf emphasizes the benefit of externalizing depression.
By doing so, he continues, it no longer becomes all consuming. Depression becomes just another experience in your life or a protective protocol. By separating yourself from the overwhelm of the emotion, you become the observer and can give yourself a space to heal.
Rolf encourages his clients to view depression as a teacher. Relapse often does occur but this is not an indication of failure or the need for self-judgment. Rather, it is an opportunity for self-exploration. Rolf recommends many different tools for self-exploration and this effort can reveal the source of the pain and clear the pathway to healing.
Esperanza, an award winning magazine, strives to increase the awareness of depression and anxiety and to provide hope and empowerment to those in the depression and anxiety community—those with these disorders, along with their families, caregivers, and health-care professionals.